
Protein consumption
41.3% plant-based

Protein consumption

This indicator shows the ratio of plant and animal protein sources in the Flemish people's consumption pattern.
Carbon footprint of Flemish consumption

Carbon footprint of Flemish consumption

The carbon footprint of Flemish consumption includes all greenhouse gas emissions generated globally as a result of the consumption...
Material footprint of Flemish consumption (RMC)
196 Mt (29.5 t/cap)

Material footprint of Flemish consumption (RMC)

Raw Material Consumption (RMC) is the material footprint of Flemish consumption. This indicator reflects the entire material base, including...
Household food waste
34 kg/cap.

Household food waste

This indicator measures food loss in Flemish households.
Use of nitrogen in the agricultural sector
147.4 kt

Use of nitrogen in the agricultural sector

This indicator measures how much nitrogen-based fertilisers are used within the Flemish agricultural sector.
Use of phosphorus in the agricultural sector
42.6 kt

Use of phosphorus in the agricultural sector

This indicator measures how much phosphorus-based fertilisers are used within the Flemish agricultural sector.
Production and use of animal fertiliser
140% (N) - 150% (P)

Production and use of animal fertiliser

This indicator shows the ratio between livestock manure production and the use of animal fertilisers in Flanders.
Energy consumption in the agricultural sector
32.2 PJ

Energy consumption in the agricultural sector

This indicator shows how much energy is consumed each year in the agricultural sector and which energy sources are...
Food residues and food loss
883.7 kt food loss

Food residues and food loss

This indicator shows the amounts of food losses and by-product streams per step in the Flemish food chain.
Valorisation of residual food streams
Cascade index 8.0

Valorisation of residual food streams

This indicator shows the quality of valorisation of food waste streams by link.
Processing of organic residual streams
1,445 kt digestate / 451 kt compost

Processing of organic residual streams

This indicator shows the amount and destination of digestate and compost in Flanders.
Share of food waste in residual household waste
48 kg/cap.

Share of food waste in residual household waste

This indicator shows the organic kitchen waste that ends up in household waste.
Collection and processing of organic residual waste
3.6 Mt

Collection and processing of organic residual waste

This indicator shows the evolution of the stream of organic residual waste sorted for collection.
BMI evolution

BMI evolution

This indicator illustrates the evolution of the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of adults in Flanders.