
New cars on the market
577,616 cars

New cars on the market

This indicator shows how many cars are registered each year. It includes both new and used cars.
Modal split in passenger kilometres
66% by car

Modal split in passenger kilometres

This indicator indicates the number of passenger kilometres travelled per mode of transport.
Carbon footprint of Flemish consumption

Carbon footprint of Flemish consumption

The carbon footprint of Flemish consumption includes all greenhouse gas emissions generated globally as a result of the consumption...
Material footprint of Flemish consumption (RMC)
196 Mt (29.5 t/cap)

Material footprint of Flemish consumption (RMC)

Raw Material Consumption (RMC) is the material footprint of Flemish consumption. This indicator reflects the entire material base, including...
Number of passenger cars
3,562,489 cars

Number of passenger cars

This indicator measures the size of the vehicle fleet in Flanders.
Mass of new cars on the market
1,694 kg

Mass of new cars on the market

This indicator shows the average mass of new cars on the Flemish market. It thus shows how the average...
Emissions and Ecoscores of new cars on the market
73.9 g CO₂-eq./km

Emissions and Ecoscores of new cars on the market

This indicator shows the Ecoscore and CO₂ emissions of new cars on the Flemish market.
Car use efficiency
1.8 passengers/car

Car use efficiency

This indicator shows the average occupancy during car trips.
Emissions of road transport
15,183 kt CO₂-eq.

Emissions of road transport

This indicator measures the impact of fuel consumption by vehicles in Flanders based on the greenhouse gas emissions caused...
Car sharing
173,759 users

Car sharing

This indicator shows the number of car-sharing memberships in Flanders.
Number of buses
2,235 public transport buses

Number of buses

This indicator shows the number of buses in Flanders.
Mileage of cars at end of life
192,593 km

Mileage of cars at end of life

This indicator measures the average mileage of cars when they are returned to official demolition centres. It aims to...
Territorial emissions
73.4 Mt CO₂-eq

Territorial emissions

This indicator shows the production of emissions contributing to climate change.
Age of cars at end of life
18.1 years

Age of cars at end of life

This indicator measures the average age of cars when they are returned to official demolition centres. It aims to...
Bus use intensity
83,136 km/year

Bus use intensity

This indicator outlines how intensely buses are used.
Valorisation of end-of-life cars via official demolition
97.6% recovered

Valorisation of end-of-life cars via official demolition

This indicator gives information on the valorisation of demolished end-of-life cars in Belgium. The reported values show the weighted...
Valorisation of old tyres
91% collected

Valorisation of old tyres

This indicator shows how many end-of-life tyres are collected in Belgium and how they are subsequently processed. In Belgium,...
Number of freight vehicles
598,585 vehicles

Number of freight vehicles

This indicator provides information on the number and type of freight vehicles.
Material footprint of mobility
0.9 t/cap.

Material footprint of mobility

The material footprint describes the raw materials needed directly and indirectly, via the domestic and foreign supply chains, for...