
Material productivity
0.43 - 1.47 €/kg

Material productivity

Material productivity is the ratio of gross domestic product to material consumption and expresses the efficiency of this consumption...
Raw Material Input (RMI) of the Flemish economy
562 million tonnes

Raw Material Input (RMI) of the Flemish economy

The Raw Material Input (RMI) is the materials footprint of the Flemish economy: it reflects the entire material base...
Share of industrial waste getting a second life

Share of industrial waste getting a second life

Primary industrial waste is the waste produced by companies (excluding waste from the waste processing sector). This indicator...
Production of secondary raw materials
25.8 million tonnes

Production of secondary raw materials

Secondary raw materials are originally by-products or materials that have reached the end of the waste phase and can...
Production of primary industrial waste
13,999 kilotonnes

Production of primary industrial waste

This indicator shows the production of waste generated by the original waste producers.
Turnover of approved reuse centres
€ 74.8 million

Turnover of approved reuse centres

This indicator shows the size of the sector of approved reuse centres in Flanders based on turnover figures.
Production of primary industrial residual waste
872 kilotonnes

Production of primary industrial residual waste

Primary industrial residual waste is the part of primary industrial waste that is offered or collected non-selectively, and is...
Repair sector
+15% turnover

Repair sector

This indicator combines a number of data sources that provide more insight into the repair sector.
Territorial emissions
73.4 Mt CO₂-eq

Territorial emissions

This indicator shows the production of emissions contributing to climate change.
Direct Material Input (DMI) of the Flemish economy
342.3 million tonnes

Direct Material Input (DMI) of the Flemish economy

By Direct Material Input (DMI) we mean all materials that physically enter the Flemish economy for both domestic consumption,...
Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) of the Flemish economy
164 million tonnes (24.7 t/cap)

Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) of the Flemish economy

The Flemish material consumption or Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) shows how many materials are consumed within Flanders. This includes...
Number of companies
714,083 companies

Number of companies

This indicator shows how many companies are active in Flanders each year. It gives an idea of how many...
Water consumption
739 million m³

Water consumption

Water is an essential resource for people and the economy. Because it is a finite resource, closing water cycles...