What do we see?
In 2023, there were 2,926,471 households registered in Flanders, of which 967,693 consisted of one person and 1,958,778 of several persons. Compared to the year 2000, there is a 22% increase in the number of households. This is faster than the increase in the number of inhabitants, which experienced an increase of 14% during the same period. This is due to the increase in the proportion of single-person households from 27% to 33% between 2000 and 2023. Today, an average Flemish household consists of 2.29 people, compared to 2.45 in 2000.
What’s the aim?
Both an increase in the number of households and a reduction in the composition of households are drivers for an increase in the number of housing units. These require significant additional amounts of space, materials and energy. Thus, the indicator points to the importance of a more thoughtful approach to efficiently meeting housing needs by making the best use of existing housing space and applying circular principles and business models in construction, renovation and housing.
What does this indicator measure?
This indicator provides insight into the annual evolution of the number of households in Flanders. The data were obtained via Statistics Flanders and are from Statbel. However, certain population groups, such as asylum seekers and homeless people, are not included in these statistics.