Number of companies

This indicator shows how many companies are active in Flanders each year. It gives an idea of how many office, production and commercial buildings are required and shows how this need evolves.

714,083 companies

  • In 2022 there were 714,083 active companies in Flanders.
  • 599,406 of those companies had no employees and 114,677 had at least one employee.

What do we see?

In 2022 there were 714,083 active companies in Flanders. This is an increase compared to previous years. The number of companies without staff has increased the most but the number of companies with employees also continues to grow.

What’s the aim?

An increase in the number of companies could be an indication that there is a greater demand for commercial buildings and therefore also material and space. The indicator thus points to the importance of a more thoughtful approach to filling this need, by making optimal use of existing space and applying circular principles and business models in construction, maintenance and use of business spaces.

What does this indicator measure?

This indicator shows how many companies are active in Flanders each year. The data comes from Statbel. Single-person businesses represent the largest share of this statistic; these do not always require additional accommodation needs.

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